Monday, June 9, 2008

Kaylynn's New Milestones

Kaylynn is learning so much these days! She loves to imitate the people that she loves most. She knows how to blow kisses, wave, and high five. She also knows how to play peek-a-boo. She loves to wave when the people she loves enters the room. The first thing she did this morning was wave when I came into the room. It was so adorable and it melted my heart! When she wants to play peek-a-boo, she will hold a blanket over her face and then quickly brings it down while giggling the entire time! This mama is so estatic that her little baby is initiating nonverbal communication. I need to thank my mother for teaching her these wonderful skills!

Imitating Mommy


Mama's Baby




New Video

Sorry for the lack of sound.