Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy 4months Kaylynn!

Today my baby girl turned four months! She is growing up so fast! She is so precious, a true gift from God! I am so thankful to be her mother!

Homeschooling Lesson: Tummy Time

Kaylynn usually hates tummy time, but today she did a wonderful job of pushing herself up. I guess our homeschooling lessons have paid off! We have been practicing the rolling over motion, and this must have helped her to strengthen her muscles because look how good she can push herself up!

Wonderful Grandma

This is my mother. She watches my daughter while I go to work everyday. I am so fortunate to have my mother watching my child. She helps me so much, and she is terrific with Kaylynn. I learn so much from my mother who is absolutely wonderful with babies!

Sleeping In The Bouncy Chair

My mother watches my little baby girl while I go to work everyday. Sometimes I feel bad for my mother because my daughter fights sleep in the worst way possible. She even refuses bottles because they make her drowsy. We have a terrible time with feeding and sleeping. I guess she couldn't take it any longer and she fell asleep in her bouncy chair! Please feel free and comment if you have any similar struggles. I am an elementary teacher, and I believe in schedules and routines (but I am having a difficult time with my own child!)

Hoppin In The Bouncy Chair