Currently my daughter has two passions in life: computers & books. She loves mommy's labtop! She loves to pound on buttons, and watch the screen at the same time. I bought her a children's computer, but she wants nothing to do with it. She wants the real thing. This little girl loves technology, and she knows when we give her substitute remote controls, phones, and computers to tinker with. She will locate the real thing. She loves to mess with the remote control and change the channels on the t.v. She squeals up a storm when she realizes that she has changed the channels.
Kaylynns other passion is for books. She loves to dig for books in her book box. Once she has a book, she turns the pages and babbles as if she is reading the story! This teaching-mommy is thrilled to see her daughter mesmerized by books. She prefers to play with her books over her toys!
How funny, Hannah has just recently found the remote control and wants to play with it. She also enjoys the keys on the keyboard.
How funny, what a sweet baby.
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