Friday, October 17, 2008

Kaylynn's Repertoire Of Words

Kaylynn is able to speak the following seventeen words:
1. ball
2. book
3. bite
4. bye bye
5. baby
6. ba ba
7. poop
8. doggie
9. hi
10. pampa
11. nite nite
12. mama
13. more
14. mine
15. Boz
16. bath
17. hot

She also tries to say banana and I love you, but she cannot say these words very clearly yet!

New Friends

Kaylynn Loves Dogs!

Grandma, Look at what Mommy lets me do!

Kaylynn and Her Friend Maya

Mommy & Kaylynn

Look at what I almost stepped on at Billy Creek Village!

As we were entering Billy Creek Village, I almost stepped on this snake! At first I thought it was fake, but quickly realized that this snake was indeed real when I saw its head moved!

Fun At Billy Creek Village