Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mmmmm! Candy!

Kaylynn enjoyed taking the candy out of her eggs, tasting each piece of candy, and spitting out before she ate the whole piece. I wasn't too concerned since she only found two eggs herself, two eggs another little girl gave her, and two eggs that mommy put in her basket (trying to teach Kaylynn the concept of hunting eggs). She opened six pieces of candy and probably consumed one whole piece if you add all the little pieces that she actually ate. I am not one for letting children endulge on candy, but how could I stop my little girl from exploring something new??

Kaylynn's First Easter Egg Hunt

First Christian Church was nice to host our community Easter Egg Hunt. As you can see in the above picture, Kaylynn found two eggs.

Kaylynn looked at all eggs and proceeded to say "egg" a billion times. She refused to put her eggs into the basket so she could collect more eggs.

She watched the other children fill their baskets, but mommy could not convice her to do the same thing. In fact, this little girl put two eggs into Kaylynn's basket for her. I thought that was rather sweet!
This is a picture of Ditty staring at the gravel.

Look at all these eggs!
In fact, after the whole event was over and done with......Kaylynn found two BIG rocks to put into her Easter basket! She would rather take home a basket full of rocks than eggs filled with candy.

A Horsie Says "Neigh"

Kaylynn loves to label everything in her environment.
If she knows a word, she is going to say it!

One of her favorite things to label are animals and the noises that they make.

As soon as she saw this horse at the park, she said, "Horsies say neigh. Mama, horsies say neigh. Good girl."

Here Kaylynn is labeling the eyes, nose, and mouth!

Here Kaylynn is saying, "See mama...this is a nose."


If the weather is nice outside, you will find Kaylynn and I having fun at the park. Today was a bit nippy, but Kaylynn didn't mind! She loves to run and play at the park!

Kaylynn is a climber! This is why mommy takes Kaylynn to the park, so she climbs on the toys instead of the household furniture!

This is a picture of me trying to convince Kaylynn to smile as she proceeds to run away from me!

Another Day Of Swinging At The Park