Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Baby's Eyes Are Sensitive Light

My daughter has an extreme sensitivity to light. This concerns me a great deal. It is difficult for her to be outside and enjoy the nice weather because the sunshine hurts her eyes. I bought her some pretty snazzy sunglasses which she hates to wear, but I make her wear them anyway. The sunglasses don't always offer the perfect protection because the light still bothers her even with her sunglasses. Kaylynn has been to the eye doctor two times. Although her eye doctor shows sincere concern for her situation, he can't give me a clear diagnosis of her problem. It is very difficult to take pictures because bright flashes hurt her eyes. I am wandering if other mothers are experiencing this problem with their babies, and googling to find answers. So if you found this blog by googling "My baby's eyes are sensitive to light.", please feel free to leave a comment.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's not uncommon to be sensitive to sunlight. Besides, it's great especially for the young eyes to be protected anyway. You are fortunate that she keeps glasses, hats on. None of mine would--not even now.

What did the medical professional say about this? Just curious.

Congratulation on school out...enjoy those hot summer days. I think Spring sprung late here and summer will be cold here in PNW this year.