Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Learning about America's Presidents

One of my favorite things to teach Kaylynn is American History! I absolutely love to read stories about our heritage because she is learning about our history and I am relearning about our history! Some of my favorite lessons as a kindergarten and first grade teacher were to teach the children about the presidents. I have several books about the presidents and a few children cd's that teach all forty three presidents! Kaylynn will indeed benefit from my teacher resources! I love to read this book to Kaylynn when she gives me the opportunity! (Lately, she has been a little fussy when she sees me pull out a book. Reading tends to make her sleepy and she doesn't like to be sleepy! She has also been refusing her bottles because they put her to sleep. I guess she is going through a phase where she fights sleep!) I pray that titeracy becomes an important component of our day! I pray that she has a love of learning like her mother!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

And she will--just like her mom! Keep on reading no matter how much older she grows.