Saturday, February 16, 2008

Girls Day Out

Kaylynn, Grandma, and Mommy decided to take the afternoon to go shopping and find some bargains at the mall! Mommy found lots of good bargains that were on clearance with an additional 75% off for Kaylynn! Mommy did real good! Kaylynn loves to go shopping at the mall. She loves to look at all the people. She didn't mind skipping any naps for a day out with the girls! Mommy is real lucky to have such a wonderful baby who behaves so well in public!

1 comment:

Julie Campbell said...

Ahhh! Look how cute she is! I can't believe she's only 4 months! She's so big!!!! :) Looks like you've been busy on your blog! Sorry I couldn't come up with a name for you. I've been sick for about 2 weeks! :( The creative side of my brain just shut down.