Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mommy's Ditty!

Mommy's Princess!

Forest Park

Forest Park

I Don't Want To Smile Mom!

Pebbles Here, Pebbles There

Kaylynn just has to decorate the playground with pebbles!


Mommy finally snapped a picture of Ditty smiling!

This is Fun!

Kaylynn is getting to the point where she wants to climb and play on the playground equipment.

When we first started going to the park, she wanted to watch all the other children.

Now, she wants to play with the equipment all by herself!

She gets mad if you try to help her! She wants to do everything by herself!

She had so much fun!


Kaylynn added a new word to her vocabulary "swing". She is added several new words a day! She loves to push the swings at the park :)


Kaylynn loves the outdoors! This is a picture of her walking around and watching the other kiddos!

Sliding Around

Too Much Tunnel Fun

Lately the weather has been wonderful, so Kaylynn and I have been going to the park. With each visit, she gets more daring and explores a different piece of playground equipment. I was pleasantly surprised when she decided to crawl through the tunnel. She had so much fun!

Hi Mommy!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

ABC's & 123's

Kaylynn is now able to count three objects. While looking at her counting books, Kaylynn points and says "One...two....tree!" She also can recognize the letter G, A, B, C, and P for some random reason!